Family & Primary Care Practice located in Auburn, CA
Auburn Medical Group Blog
Dr. Gawayne’s New Digital Stethoscope
**Choosing The Right Medicare Advantage: The Auburn Medical Group Difference**
In today’s evolving healthcare landscape, it’s crucial for medical practices to adapt to the changing needs of their patients. At Auburn Medical Group, we have made a conscientious decision regarding the acceptance of new Medicare patients, and we want our community...
Cancer Causing Foods?
We discuss the International Agency for Research on Cancer and its recent classification of aspartame as a possible carcinogen.
What Are Gall Stones?
Enjoy laughing while learning about gall stones. See if you can guess the four "Fs" of gall bladder disease.
What Is Remote Patient Monitoring?
Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) is a rapidly emerging field in healthcare that allows healthcare providers to monitor and track their patients’ health data from a distance. RPM technology enables healthcare professionals to remotely monitor a patient’s health...
Stay The Course
Dr. Vaughan encourages caution with opening back up more people are vaccinated against COVID-19 and numbers fall dramatically from their January peak. READ MORE
Docs Find Audience On Periscope
"While Twitter-owned Periscope has been in general release only since March — and just since last month as an Android app — a handful of physicians are quickly becoming pros with the video-streaming app." READ MORE
Why Q-Tips Don’t Get Rid Of Earwax
"Dr. Mark Vaughan is an earwax whisperer." "Of course, he treats all types of conditions as medical director of Auburn Medical Group , a family primary care practice in California, but when it comes to teasing hardened hunks of earwax out of people's ears, he's tough...
Doctors Warn Of Potential Heat Problems During Sacramento Area’s Triple-Digit Weekend
Dr. Vaughan tells anchor/reporter, Walter Makaula, about the dangers of excessive heat. READ MORE